Wednesday 7 November 2007

Week four overview

This week Aminata and I worked on the music for our film. We started adding music to our animatic that Aminata had found a few weeks ago. It sounds good but we still have to add some sound affects. Aminata has approach a sound student within Ravensbourne hopefully she will be able to get this student involved with helping us develop the sound effects in our animatic

We also showed Jared our animatic. Overall the feedback we got was excellent however he did suggest we clean up the animatic by adding more frames and redoing some or the background so Aminata and I have been cleaning up the storyboards this week.

In my own time I have been charcter designing. I have come up with a final dog design however I am waiting on feedback from my group. In the mean time I shall move on to designing the final charcter of a young Genette.

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