Friday 13 June 2008

Walk Cycle

Walk Cylce

Walk Cylce


This is a the photo I did in Photoshop for the end scene where the camera zooms out from ginette photo frame at the end


Due to having two talented Animator's in my group It was hard to get any scenes of the film to animate.

However I did manage to get one scene given to me. I admit I found animation hard as I hadn't practised in a while.
I had problems animating Ginette from her chair as her legs and arms where extremerly short. I couldn't get her to come down from the chair naturally so I asked Dan Dalli advise which really helped with the final film.

I am pleased with the way it turned out

final playblast

animation test


Scene 7

Scene 7

Scene 7

Scene 7

Scene 7

Scene 6

Scene 6

Scene 6

Scene 6

Scene 6

When we where rendering I found out that Aminata had just copied and pasted the same lighting in every scene of the film which made some of the scene look really bad.

So I had to relight some of the scenes that where particlarlly bad. With Aminata telling me what she wanted.
I was really pleased as lighting is something that I really didn't know about till now and I was really pleased with the outcome. I think I achieved that pastel effect that the whole group wanted.