Friday, 18 January 2008

week one overview

Ok I admit I didn't get as much as I would like to have got done over christmas I think this is due to decating time on my dissertation research which managed really well.

However I did finish modelling and texturing chrisopher. By the end on the christmas holidays I managed to have ginette almost done whaoooo!!!!!

It's been a nice break but it's time to start pulling my hair out again heee hee!!!! :0(

This week I have started modelling the boulargerie which was a bit silly as I haven't finished Ginette yet and started organising myself and the group.

Its my role as producer to set up a timetable for the group so I have done that this week. I have also been writing my my own personal schedule which seems a bit basic but over the next few weeks envoles lots of modelling and texturing.

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