Friday, 18 January 2008

more Ginette progess

heres a better picture

Ginette progress

as you can see it is coming along however from Aminata's feedback I still need to work on the hands a bit (I need to make them chubber) and I also need to work on the legs and slippers after I can texture whahoo!!!

p.s The scarf is seperate now

Week 2 overview

This week I came in on Tues day to get some useful advice from Jared for my Dissertation. This helped alot. On Wednesday I came in to see Mike and my group. Well we did not get to see Mike however we used the time by discussing the cameras shots for our film. I suggested to Aminata that the silent movie scenes require more research. Silent Movie's don't have alot of camera movements and the character in them appear to be moving a bit ridged this is because it is jumping frames. I asked Aminata weather the animation in our films are going to be the same? I said we also need to research what kind of camera shots are used in a silent movie before we decided on ours. Aminata is going to bring in on Tuesday a charlie Chaplin movie and I am going to try to get a few others to help us with this.

I also showed Aminata and the rest of my group my modelling she seemed very happy with them. However she gave me some feedback on how to improve. This was very useful feedback.

This weekend I am going to focus on my dissertation overwise I'll start to fall behind.

week one overview

Ok I admit I didn't get as much as I would like to have got done over christmas I think this is due to decating time on my dissertation research which managed really well.

However I did finish modelling and texturing chrisopher. By the end on the christmas holidays I managed to have ginette almost done whaoooo!!!!!

It's been a nice break but it's time to start pulling my hair out again heee hee!!!! :0(

This week I have started modelling the boulargerie which was a bit silly as I haven't finished Ginette yet and started organising myself and the group.

Its my role as producer to set up a timetable for the group so I have done that this week. I have also been writing my my own personal schedule which seems a bit basic but over the next few weeks envoles lots of modelling and texturing.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Blougerie progess

ok not much yet but I'll promise it will look fabulous when it's finished!!!! :0)

Balcony pretty much done!!!

First Day Back

Ok I admit I didn't get as much as I wanted done at christmas due to severe chocolate eating time etc. However I do feel I have produce enough work to put me ahead of schedule.

Tonight I have started writing my disertation 500 words done whahoo!!!! only 7500 to go doh!!!! However I have done a little bit of modelling of the house tonight and Im thinking I might try and finish that tomorrow then go back to the Grandma and I want to aim to finish Ginette by Saturday busy busy busy!!! wish me luck!!!!

Sarah x

The New Timetable

Hey Guys!!!

New Term! New Timetable! ok let me explain it so every one understands

Yellow/ stands for date, days
Orange/ is time we have lectures
Green/ is the time we spend together as a group working
Blue/ is the group discussion time this time will be used to communicate with each other any personal problems we have that will affect our work. also includes problems with each other.
Pink/ holiday break Prague
light green/ time off for dissertation and time to get on with it!!!!!

Ok hopefully that explains everything!

Ok also same rules apply which are as follows.

- If you are not going to turn up to group meeting you have to let Aminata or I know ASAP No Excuses!!!
- If you are late you have to let Me or Aminata know ASAP No Excuses!!!
- Bring your ideas and input for Aminata and the rest of the Group to see!! (even if it is only a little bit!! Aminata especially needs to make sure everything is on track just in case she has to change the work schedule or something!)

These Group Meetings are to benefit everyone! they are a chance for everyone to share there ideas and to ensure there is no communication breakdowns. Please Note I will again be doing a group attendance record and this will be going on the blog if you fail to turn up without an explanation I'll just mark you absent and that will look bad when Mike reads it be warned!!

Ok that is all let me know if there are any problems or anything with the timetable! Sorry that it sounds harsh but I want to be clear to everyone from the beginning!!

see you when we get back!!

Sarah xx

The Grandma my progress