Friday, 13 June 2008

Walk Cycle

Walk Cylce

Walk Cylce


This is a the photo I did in Photoshop for the end scene where the camera zooms out from ginette photo frame at the end


Due to having two talented Animator's in my group It was hard to get any scenes of the film to animate.

However I did manage to get one scene given to me. I admit I found animation hard as I hadn't practised in a while.
I had problems animating Ginette from her chair as her legs and arms where extremerly short. I couldn't get her to come down from the chair naturally so I asked Dan Dalli advise which really helped with the final film.

I am pleased with the way it turned out

final playblast

animation test


Scene 7

Scene 7

Scene 7

Scene 7

Scene 7

Scene 6

Scene 6

Scene 6

Scene 6

Scene 6

When we where rendering I found out that Aminata had just copied and pasted the same lighting in every scene of the film which made some of the scene look really bad.

So I had to relight some of the scenes that where particlarlly bad. With Aminata telling me what she wanted.
I was really pleased as lighting is something that I really didn't know about till now and I was really pleased with the outcome. I think I achieved that pastel effect that the whole group wanted.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Props dam laptop!!!!

Due to my Laptop completely wiping out every file I had put on there I lost the props that I had been wroking on the last couple of days!!!

Everything else on this project is backed up on my external harddrive its just the last week I have forgotten to back up

so here are some of the props I have been doing. Some are different than before as I couldn't find the texture I used so I just changed it.

I am almost finshed as you can see I only have a few more props left I will be finished by tomorrow!!!! its annoying that I lost a couple of days but hey can't help the laptop going crazy and hey Im a poor student and can't afford a new one!!!!

Saturday, 3 May 2008

prop texturing

Here is the original texture affect I created in Adobe Photoshop

Here are some texture effects I did for our environment which didn't end up being used I wanted to experiment with photoshop to get that pastel look to our bulidings.

I painte most of it but I also but a few filter effects sush as clouds to give the added effect.

As you can see Im not quite finished here because I can't seem to remember how to get rid of the white on the bell I been having a blonde moment tonight and just can't seem to remember how you do it however I know I'll have a lightbulb moment soon!!!!

here are some of the props I have done. I have done two more a wardrode and an umbrella but for some reason I cannot assign the texture to them which is really confusing however I'll speak to Aminata tomorrow and ask her. But the textures are ready!!!

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Boulargerie improvements

Final rendered shots

Aminata's rig

After I gave my rig to Aminata she made a few changes to make the rig a bit more simple which was disapointing for me as I really felt that my rig was working well however Aminata does have more experience than me so I decided to trust her judgement

although most of my rig was kept it was just the skirt bones she removed and someother small adjustments

She gave the rig back to me and asked me to redo the foot role as she deleted by accident she also asked me to do the set driven keys for the hands.
as I was redoing the footrole I don't know what she had done but I had a problem with the left foot going funny everything I moved it I didn't have this problem before!!!

as you can see I managed to overcome the problem!!! :0)


Here is the progress of my rigging

Here is the front view of my first attempt of rigging to be honest everything so far seems fine and for my first time rigging to be honest I acturally quite please with myself

side view

orginal foot role worked really well

Aminata gave me a fantastic tutorial that I had been following I feel I have learnt a lot from it and although I need to practise I feel this is a good start as far as rigging goes

However WEIGHTING!!!! I hate to be honest I have been having such a problem with it I find im really slow at understanding the whole process so I did my best then seeked Aminatas help and she re weighted everything as we really didn't have time for me to be slow so I had no problems handing it over I will go back at some point in my own time and practise more and if I'm lucky I'll get Aminata to sit down with me again to show me but it will be after the project in my own time and we can't afford to waste any more time